Graham Number Calculator

Welcome to our Graham Number Calculator - Your tool for evaluating intrinsic value. Input Earnings per Share and Book Value per Share, and our calculator will help you estimate the Graham Number.

This essential investment metric empowers you to make informed decisions, assess whether a stock is undervalued or overvalued, and optimize your investment strategy with precision.


Graham Number


Leveraging the Graham Number for Intelligent Investing: A Comprehensive Guide

In the realm of value investing, the Graham Number holds a prestigious position as a formula derived by Benjamin Graham, the father of value investing.

It's designed to estimate the maximum fair value of a stock based on its earnings per share (EPS) and book value per share (BVPS), providing a benchmark for investors seeking undervalued stocks.

A Graham Number Calculator simplifies this valuation process, enabling investors to quickly assess whether a stock is trading at a fair price.

This guide explores the significance of the Graham Number in investment analysis, how a Graham Number Calculator works, and its strategic benefits for investors.

Understanding the Graham Number

The Graham Number is calculated using the formula: √(22.5 * EPS * BVPS), where 22.5 is a conservative figure suggested by Graham that combines his P/E ratio (no higher than 15) and P/B ratio (no more than 1.5) criteria.

The result provides an estimate of the stock's intrinsic value, suggesting that a stock is potentially undervalued if its price is below the Graham Number.

The Importance of Calculating the Graham Number

Calculating the Graham Number is essential for several reasons:

How a Graham Number Calculator Works

A Graham Number Calculator automates the calculation by requiring the user to input a stock's EPS and BVPS. The calculator then applies Graham's formula to output the Graham Number, offering a quick and straightforward assessment of the stock's valuation.

Key Inputs for the Calculator

Advantages of Using a Graham Number Calculator

Implementing Graham Number Calculations in Investment Strategies

To effectively incorporate Graham Number calculations into investment strategies, consider the following practices:

  1. Screening Stocks: Use the Graham Number to screen for stocks that are trading below their calculated intrinsic value, identifying potential investment opportunities.

  2. Comparative Analysis: Compare the Graham Numbers of stocks within the same industry to identify which are most undervalued relative to their fundamentals.

  3. Risk Assessment: Evaluate the margin of safety provided by stocks trading below their Graham Number, assessing the potential risk and reward of an investment.

Real-world Applications and Success Stories

Investors have successfully used the Graham Number to identify undervalued stocks that offer a margin of safety and solid fundamentals.

For example, an investor might use a Graham Number Calculator to discover that a well-established manufacturing company's stock is trading significantly below its Graham Number despite strong EPS and BVPS, signaling a potentially undervalued investment opportunity.


A Graham Number Calculator is an invaluable tool for value investors seeking to apply Benjamin Graham's principles to modern stock analysis.

By efficiently calculating the intrinsic value of stocks based on their earnings and book value, it empowers investors to make informed decisions, identify undervalued stocks, and build portfolios with a strong foundation in fundamental analysis.

As the investment landscape continues to evolve, tools that facilitate intelligent investment strategies, like the Graham Number Calculator, remain essential for achieving long-term financial success.

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