Family Leave Calculator

Total Leave Pay:


Weekly Leave Pay:


Impact On Annual Salary:


Total Benefits Received:


Family Leave Calculator: Understanding the Financial Impact of Your Leave

The Family Leave Calculator helps you determine the financial impact of taking a family leave, whether it is paid, unpaid, or partially paid.

By considering factors like your annual salary, type of leave, leave duration, weekly work hours, and additional state or federal benefits, this tool calculates the total leave pay, weekly leave pay, impact on your annual salary, and any benefits received during the leave period.

Make informed decisions and plan your finances effectively with this calculator.

Plain Text Formula:

  1. Weekly Salary Calculation: Weekly Salary = Annual Salary / 52

  2. Weekly Leave Pay Calculation (if paid leave): Weekly Leave Pay = Weekly Salary * (Paid Leave Percentage / 100)

  3. Total Leave Pay Calculation (if paid leave): Total Leave Pay = Weekly Leave Pay * Leave Duration

  4. Impact on Annual Salary Calculation (if unpaid leave): Impact on Annual Salary = Weekly Salary * Leave Duration

  5. Total Benefits Received Calculation (if applicable): Total Benefits Received = State or Federal Benefits * Leave Duration

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Determine Your Weekly Salary:

    • Divide your annual salary by 52 to calculate your weekly salary.

    • Example:

      If your annual salary is $52,000: Weekly Salary = 52,000 / 52 = 1,000

  2. Calculate Weekly Leave Pay (if paid leave):

    • Multiply your weekly salary by the paid leave percentage (if applicable).

    • Example:

      If you receive 60% of your salary during leave: Weekly Leave Pay = 1,000 * (60 / 100) = 600

  3. Calculate Total Leave Pay (if paid leave):

    • Multiply your weekly leave pay by the leave duration in weeks.

    • Example:

      For a leave duration of 8 weeks: Total Leave Pay = 600 * 8 = 4,800

  4. Calculate Impact on Annual Salary (if unpaid leave):

    • Multiply your weekly salary by the leave duration to find the impact on your annual salary.

    • Example:

      If you take 8 weeks of unpaid leave: Impact on Annual Salary = 1,000 * 8 = 8,000

  5. Calculate Total Benefits Received (if applicable):

    • Multiply any state or federal benefits by the leave duration in weeks.

    • Example:

      If you receive $200 per week as benefits for 8 weeks: Total Benefits Received = 200 * 8 = 1,600

Real-Life Example:

Let's assume Sarah earns an annual salary of $65,000 and plans to take 10 weeks of partially paid leave at 70% of her salary. She works 40 hours per week, and she is eligible for $150 per week from state benefits.

  1. Calculate Sarah's Weekly Salary: Weekly Salary = 65,000 / 52 = 1,250

  2. Determine Weekly Leave Pay: Weekly Leave Pay = 1,250 * (70 / 100) = 875

  3. Calculate Total Leave Pay: Total Leave Pay = 875 * 10 = 8,750

  4. Calculate Total Benefits Received: Total Benefits Received = 150 * 10 = 1,500

  5. Impact on Annual Salary (if unpaid leave): If Sarah had taken unpaid leave, the impact would be: Impact on Annual Salary = 1,250 * 10 = 12,500

Sarah's total leave pay during her partially paid leave is $8,750, and she will receive an additional $1,500 in state benefits.



What is family leave?

Family leave refers to a period during which an employee is permitted to take time off work to care for family members, including after childbirth, adoption, or to care for a seriously ill family member.

How is family leave pay calculated?

Family leave pay is calculated based on your weekly salary, leave duration, and the percentage of salary paid during leave. Additional benefits may also be included.

  1. What are the differences between paid, unpaid, and partially paid leave?

    1. Paid Leave:

      You receive your full salary during the leave period.

    2. Unpaid Leave:

      You do not receive any salary during the leave period.

    3. Partially Paid Leave:

      You receive a portion of your salary, based on a set percentage.

Can I receive state or federal benefits during family leave?

Yes, some states provide additional benefits during family leave. Eligibility and amounts vary by state.

How does family leave impact my annual salary?

Family leave can reduce your annual salary if it's unpaid or partially paid. The impact depends on the duration of the leave and the percentage of salary paid.
