Buy vs. Lease Equipment Calculator

Evaluate the financial implications of buying versus leasing equipment using our calculator. Determine which option is more cost-effective and better suits your financial strategy and business needs.

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Buy vs. Lease Equipment Calculator

The Buy vs. Lease Equipment Calculator helps you evaluate whether it is more cost-effective to purchase or lease equipment.

By comparing the total costs involved in each option, you can make an informed decision based on financial implications, including interest, taxes, and inflation.


Total Purchase Cost: Total Purchase Cost = (Purchase Price - Salvage Value) * (1 + Tax Rate) + (Purchase Price * Interest Rate)

Total Lease Cost: Total Lease Cost = Lease Payment * Lease Term

Net Present Value (NPV) of Purchase vs. Lease: NPV = (Total Purchase Cost - Total Lease Cost) / (1 + Inflation Rate)^Lease Term

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Calculate Total Purchase Cost:

2. Calculate Total Lease Cost:

3. Calculate Net Present Value (NPV) of Purchase vs. Lease:


  1. Interest Costs: Financing equipment purchases can lead to higher overall costs due to interest.

  2. Tax Benefits: Equipment purchases may offer tax benefits such as depreciation.

  3. Lease Flexibility: Leasing can offer flexibility and the ability to upgrade equipment more frequently.

  4. Inflation Impact: Inflation can erode the value of future lease payments, making leasing less attractive over time.


What is the advantage of leasing equipment over purchasing it?

Leasing often requires a lower upfront cost and provides the flexibility to upgrade equipment more frequently. It can also be easier to manage cash flow with lower monthly payments.

How does inflation affect the decision to buy or lease equipment?

Inflation can decrease the real value of future lease payments, potentially making leasing more expensive over time. Calculating NPV helps account for inflation in comparing costs.

Are there tax benefits associated with purchasing equipment?

Yes, purchasing equipment may offer tax benefits such as depreciation deductions. These benefits can reduce the effective cost of owning equipment.

What factors should I consider when choosing between buying and leasing equipment?

Consider the total cost of ownership vs. lease costs, tax implications, interest rates, inflation, and how often you need to upgrade your equipment.

Can I use this calculator for any type of equipment?

This calculator can be used for various types of equipment. However, be sure to input accurate values specific to the equipment you are evaluating for precise results.
